The Blog

Washington Examiner: Files for 3D printed guns are free speech too

Diverse Education: 3 organizations assert support of faculty free speech

The Daily Californian: UC Berkeley to set a perimeter around 6 buildings for Ben Shapiro’s event

The Weekly Standard: Harvard shows how it should be done

The Blaze: Recording artist Joy Villa: ‘Free speech is no longer free’

Bloomberg Politics: White House backs baker in gay wedding-cake court case

Fox News: Dem rep planning bill to define ‘acceptable speech’ on campus

The Daily Signal: Sen. Mike Lee: Christian Baker case about First Amendment, ‘compelled speech’

Campus Reform: Dem. Congressman to propose crackdown on campus ‘hate speech’

The Economist: Arguments over free speech on campus are not left v right

The Heritage Foundation: Fighting for free speech

Christian Daily: Colorado Christian baker says he lost income and employees after gay wedding cake case

The Salt Lake Tribune: Sen. Mike Lee joins conservative lawmakers in supporting baker who refused cake order for gay wedding

The Fire: So to Speak podcasts: Judge Richard Posner on the First Amendment

New York Post: Berkeley wimps out on free speech

Campus Reform: Berkeley students plot to ‘shut down’ conservative speakers

Bloomberg: The lonely lives of Silicon Valley conservatives

Twitchy: Free speech FAIL: Berkeley refuses to release Ben Shapiro tickets even with thousands of signups

National Review: Being a good ‘ally’ will destroy the ACLU

The College Fix: Scholars create ‘checklist’ to help college administrators protect free speech on campus

The Daily Signal: Underreported: Christian Baker reacts to government official comparing him to a Nazi

The Fire: A host of back to school resources from the FIRE Student Network!

The Daily Caller: Shock Poll: Virginia residents want colleges to be safe spaces where free speech is censored

The Wall Street Journal: A free-speech to-do list for college administrators

The Wall Street Journal: The free-speech battles of Berkeley

Breitbart: Colleges struggle financially after refusing to uphold free speech principles

Free Speech Debate: The UN’s search for international consensus on free speech

Free Speech Debate: Does freedom of expression give us a right to show videos of animals being crushed?

FOX News: Mayor wants University of California, Berkeley to cancel free speech week after recent melees Hey, Berkeley Mayor: Do your job and protect free speech in your city