The Blog

The Blaze: Berkeley’s mayor wants to cancel free speech week. His reason is troubling.

Campus Reform: College offers students up to $1,500 to cover protest costs

The College Fix: UNC violates its First Amendment obligations by banning controversial speaker

The Mercury News: Borenstein: Liberals don’t own the First Amendment

Free Speech Debate: Chicago university’s free speech policy

Free Speech Debate: Free speech debates are more than ‘radicals’ vs ‘liberals’

New York Magazine: The Boston rally exposed the left’s intolerance of free speech

The Fire: On University of Tampa’s termination of Ken Storey

Campus Reform: University bows to pressure, loosens speech restrictions

USA Today College: Free speech on campus? Not for adjunct faculty, it seems

MRC TV: Mayor asks UC Berkeley to cancel a conversation free speech event

The Federalist: Christian artists should have the same free speech game as Colin Kaepernick

The Daily Signal: As college students return to campus, let’s allow free speech to reign

The Rocky Mountain Collegian: Willson: Recent ‘pro-life’ lawsuit represents a win for free speech on campus

The Hill: Colleges shouldn’t have the right to infringe on free speech

The Washington Free Beacon: Fearing Antifa ‘mayhem,’ Berkeley Mayor wants ‘free speech week’ canceled for UC conservatives

The Daily Caller: Berkeley police arrest 13 protesters in connection to Antifa violence

The Weekly Standard: Is cake an artistic medium? The Supreme Court will decide this fall.

The Daily Wire: Police show up when conservative Nebraska student places her table outside of ‘free speech zone’

Campus Reform: Mayor pressures UC-Berkeley to cancel free speech week’

The Daily Caller: Man tries to call police on girl who isn’t in ‘designated free speech zone’

U.S. News: Nevada court upholds troopers’ free speech case

The Wall Street Journal: Cities and schools walk free-speech tightrope in wake of Charlottesville

The Washington Post: Black-clad antifa members attack peaceful right-wing demonstrations in Berkeley

The Daily Caller: Anarchists carrying ‘no hate’ shields assault people at Berkeley protest

The Washington Free Beacon: ‘Morning Joe’ rips into left-winged ‘mentally-stunted snowflakes’ on college campuses

The Fire: Victory: Arkansas Tech University adopts new speech and demonstration policy

The Fire: Kansas State University adopts free speech statement, earns FIRE’s highest speech rating

Chicago Daily Law Bulletin: Praying football coach loses free speech appeal

Campus Reform: Student body prez: UC-Berkeley ‘not bound to Constitution’