The Blog

The Fire: Berkeley plans multi-platform free speech initiative for new academic year

The Fire: University of Rhode Island’s contradictory values and policies chill speech

Washington Examiner: Free speech might be coming to Berkeley in a shocking turn of events

Press Freedom Tracker: As America’s press freedom declines, the world is watching

The Fire: California legislature unanimously urges colleges to adopt free speech policies consistent with the ‘Chicago statement’

The Fire: ‘The talk’: How to ‘do’ free speech (VIDEO)

USA Today: Police must act fast to protect First Amendment rights: Robert Shibley

Bleacher Report: John Lynch calls sideline protests ‘divisive,’ talks free speech

U.S. News: Strange bedfellows: the ACLU, free speech and neo-nazis

The Daily Signal: University reverses decision to ban 9/11 memorial on lawn

The Wall Street Journal: Teachers struggle with line between free speech and hate speech

National Review: The size of chairs deemed a ‘microaggression’ against overweight people

The Washington Examiner: Boston mayor tells ‘free speech’ group: ‘We don’t want you’

The New York Times: White nationalists march on University of Virginia

U.S. News: The latest: Police arrest 3 in Seattle protests

The Conversation: Is liking something on Facebook ‘protected political speech’? It depends

Real Clear Education: A campus free speech comeback

Reuters: Google’s firing of memo writer strikes nerve in Silicon Valley

The New York Times: Studies in the First Amendment, playing out on campus

U.S. News: Washington Metro sued by diverse groups over issue-oriented ad ban

The New York Times: ‘Thought bullies’ or right move: A divide over James Damore firing

The Times of Israel: PA chief Abbas issues decree curbing free speech online

The Daily Caller: ACLU Defends Milo’s First Amendment Rights

WDay6: The First Amendment: Freedom of speech in the workplace Free-speech debate swirls as officials block on social media

The Wall Street Journal: Freedom of speech is not enough

The Week: What we’re getting wrong about campus free speech

Boston Globe: The biggest threat to free speech? It’s the left

Who’s violating campus free speech? Follow the money

Maine Governor sued by ACLU for blocking critics on Facebook