The Blog

The Daily Signal: North Carolina acts to protect free speech on campuses

the Federalist: China’s censorship powers are bigger and more dangerous than you know

The Daily Caller: Rep. Jordan supports stripping funds from institutions that violate first ammendment

The Daily Caller: Pro-life teens win free speech battle against school

U.S. News: ACLU challenges Kentucky Governor’s social media blocking

U.S. News: Betsy DeVos urges state legislators to preserve campus free speech

U.S. News: Campus free speech laws ignite the country

National Review: Republicans, don’t sacrifice free speech to punish the media

The Washington Times: James Lankford confronts ABC over ‘hate group’ tag: Disagreement ‘isn’t the same as hate’

The Washington Free Beacon: Apple bans apps in China at the request of Chinese government

Venture Beat: Apple removes VPN services from App Store in China

U.S. News: ACLU asks Kentucky Governor to not block social media users

The Wall Street Journal: Court rules against politician who banned access to her Facebook page

U.S. News: Appeals Court backs wildlife activist in free speech case

The Atlantic: Suspensions for college students who thwarted free speech

Venture Beat: Your employer doesn’t own your free speech

The News&Observer: Does the campus free speech bill protect First Amendment right – or restrict them?

College Fix: Court rules against student in free-speech lawsuit

Detroit News: Fight for robust speech on the quad

Reason: Claremont ‘right’ to make clear ‘even disagreeable speech deserves to be heard and debated’

Wisc. State Journal: Billboard firm sues city, calls sign ordinance free-speech infringement

Maloney: On fighting against intolerance, it’s time for millennials to lead

American Bar Association taking aim at speech in social settings?

Rep. Jordan: We must protect free speech on college campuses

Editorial: By punishing seven students, Claremont McKenna sends message to all

Brown: Appeals court backs wildlife activist in free-speech case

Daily Signal: Lawyers ask Supreme Court to hear second religious liberty, same-sex marriage case

Daily Signal: New report shows increase in ‘religious freedom violations’ in recent years

Jashinsky: Another failed argument for campus censorship

National Review: Illinois college threatens ‘disciplinary proceedings’ for ‘offensive language’