The Blog

National Review: One-and-a-half cheers for the NYT

Lowry: Free speech in America has at least one reliable friend

Jashinsky: Senate Democrats don’t seem to understand what’s happening on college campuses

Pritchett: Texas shields Christian adoption agencies from bias suits

Sen. Grassley: Free speech is dying on the college campus — here’s how we can revive it

Goldberg: Free speech isn’t always a tool of virtue

NYT: Officials in Germany raid home of 36 people accused of ‘punishable hate posting’ on social media

Starnes: Federal judge rules cross violates law and must be removed

WSJ: Supreme Court invalidates N.C. law barring sex offenders from social media

Fox: Redskins owner ‘thrilled’ with Supreme Court trademark ruling

Gerstein: Supreme Court rules the government can’t refuse to register trademarks considered offensive

New York Times: Free speech at the Supreme Court

USA Today: Two students are testifying to the Senate about free speech on campus

Goldberg: The threat to free speech

National Review: Free speech wins (again) at the Supreme Court

ICYMI: Supreme Court upholds offensive trademarks as form of free speech

USA Today: Supreme Court rules trademarks some consider derogatory can be registered

The College Fix: Free speech, the great American right

Reason: Five clichés used to attack free speech

ICYMI: Sanders’ religious test goes against Founders’ vision

Colby: ‘…[T]he religious freedom you wish for yourself, you must extend to others’

School: Student may not pray or mention Jesus

ICYMI: Coach who lost job after praying makes his case to 9th Circuit Court

The Catholic Sun: Defenders of life, religious liberty tapped for huge honor

NCR: Bishops’ voices ‘vital’ to fight challenges to religious liberty

NCR: Federal appeals court hears arguments in two religious liberty cases

French: When speech inspires violence, protect liberty while restoring virtue

Klukowski: Two cases threaten to shut down public prayer and why the Supreme Court may need to act

Lifesite: U.S. bishops ‘hopeful’ Trump’s religious liberty order has begun ‘larger’ effort for freedom

Hauenschild: How the Obama administration tried to use bureaucrats to crack down on free speech