The Blog

Jillian Kay Melchior: Mich. lawmakers seek to suspend, expel students who infringe on free speech

L.A. Daily News editorial board: Campus free speech gets a needed defense

Patheos Evangelical: Religious liberty in the military

National Catholic Register editorial: America should take up Pope Francis’ call to respect religious liberty

David A. French: President Trump’s religious-liberty executive order ‘misleading’

NUTS: Reporter says conservatives ‘appropriate’ laws meant to protect religious minorities

Sen. James Lankford: ‘Religious liberty is a major passion of our staff’

David Keene: Campus free speech must be protected

The College Fix: Gay conservative heckled by protesters while defending free speech

Karol Markowicz: What free speech isn’t

Survey says 90 percent of millennials support free speech, religious freedom

Middle-schooler suspended after hearting photo of airsoft gun on Instagram

Jonathan Easley: Conservatives’ mixed reviews over Trump’s religious-liberty order

Billy Hallowell: President Trump’s religious-liberty order ‘vague’

President Trump: ‘America has a rich tradition of social change beginning in our pews and pulpits’

Wisc. Gov. Scott Walker: ‘Wrong’ to ‘shut down’ a speaker, whether conservative or liberal

Steve Post: American Christians are right to continue to fight for free speech

James A. Dorn: China’s war on free speech

Bruce Bialosky: A free-speech tipping point

Roger Ream: Don’t blame millennials for free-speech crisis on college campuses

Fox News: Catholic school under attack for canceling play with adult themes

John Kass: Conservatives aren’t the ones who made young people ‘afraid of ideas’

Todd Starnes: What Trump understands about religious liberty in America

The Federalist: Judge says Catholic University can fire professor for supporting students’ right to free speech

Ron Hart: Liberals want to be the ‘sole arbiters’ of speech — that’s not OK

Berkeley mayor on campus-free-speech battle: ‘We have to find a way to stop this’

Peter Van Voorhis: Free speech is alive again because of UC Berkeley

Brad Palumbo: Protest peacefully or risk being labelled a hypocrite

The full text of President Trump’s executive order on religious liberty

Study finds college freshman more politically polarized than ever