The Blog

Stanley Kurtz: Dueling campus-free-speech bills in Wisconsin

The Federalist: Lawmakers introduce bipartisan resolution to end free-speech zones

The Stream: President Trump signs executive order protecting religious liberty

Ryan Anderson: Trump’s executive order fails to address most pressing religious-liberty threats

Daily Signal: Conservatives fight for free speech at liberal-leaning college

ACLJ: The searing assault on free speech continues

AP: Wisc. lawmakers introduce second campus-free-speech bill

Constitution Daily: Is the American free-speech consensus under attack?

Orlando Sentinel: Should President Trump respect constitutional right to religious liberty?

Calif. assemblywoman: ‘Liberty cannot live without the freedom to speak…’

Forbes contributor: Don’t use federal aid to police campus free speech

The Hill: Trump set to sign religious-liberty executive order

The Charlotte-Observer editorial board: Protect speech for Coulter, students

Christian Post: Bethlehem, not Berkeley, is the birthplace of free speech

Rep. Hultgren: Freedom to follow one’s faith ‘at the heart of our country’s identity’

Richmond Times-Dispatch: ‘Cornell’s new president promises free speech on campus’

Jonah Goldberg: Free-speech movement wasn’t born in Berkeley

National Review: The 411 on Wisc. rep’s campus-free-speech bill

USA Today editorial board: ‘Campus mobs muzzle free speech’

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: The double-edged sword of bills seeking to punish violent protesters

Desert News Editorial: ‘There are devastating costs to restricting religious liberty’

ICYMI: Free speech was alive and well at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner

ICYMI: Wisc. Republicans introduce bill to protect campus free speech

Deion Kathawa: American progressivism ‘shot through with a nasty smugness’

Tom Lindsay: NYU vice provost goes ‘full Orwell’ in his recent attack on free speech

Anthony L. Fisher: ‘Thankfully, the right to express offensive ideas persists’

Obama-era Education Department policies wreaking havoc on campus free speech

Kathryn Jean Lopez: It’s time to get serious about religious freedom

Kansas City Star: Man argues in appeal heroin distribution part of his ‘religious belief’

Christian Post: Add Russia to list of worst religious-liberty violators