The Blog

Christian News Network: Conservatives in Congress urge President Trump to protect freedom of conscience

Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty: Are our churches secular now, too?

U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom chair: Russia takes ‘chilling’ swing at religious liberty

Catholic News Agency: Never tire of fighting for human rights, says religious-liberty advocate

John Phillips: Free speech is costly for Calif. Republicans

Matt Vespa: ‘My political philosophy professor in college was an avowed anarchist and we all turned out okay’

The News & Observer: Campus free speech bill now heads to NC Senate

Alicia Shepard: Shame on Berkeley, ‘cradle’ of the free-speech movement

New York Magazine: Fordham University debacle shows why liberals should fight for, not squash, free speech

The Federalist: Dartmouth study finds Democrat students least tolerant on campus

Fox News: Satirical “muzzle” awards given to these eight free-speech offenders

Legal expert: Invited to speak at a public university? The university must respect your First-Amendment rights

ACLU: ‘The heckler’s veto of Coulter’s Berkeley speech is a loss for the 1st Amendment’

Washington Examiner: Coulter pulls out of Berkeley speech

The Star Online: Free speech must be for all

The Weekly Standard: How to restore free speech on campus

Concerned Veterans of America director: Veto of Ariz. bill will ensure free speech is protected

Judge Napolitano says First Amendment ‘absolutely’ protects so-called hate speech

Christian Science Monitor: Berkeley paradox — birthplace of free speech now offended by it

Jeff Lee: Who will take threats to free speech on campus seriously?

Houston Chronicle: Senate panel mulls protecting campus free speech

The News & Observer: Campus free speech now being waged on floor of N.C. legislature

Bill Donohue: Calif. assemblywoman pushing bill that would eliminate faith-based codes of conduct in the workplace

Times of Trenton Editorial Board: It’s ‘downright frightening’ campus free speech ‘becoming an endangered species’

Lawrence W. Reed: The bad manners of the campus left

Dennis Prager: Grow a spine, professors and administrators

Jonah Goldberg: ‘Defenders of murderous Communist regimes aren’t banned from speaking … heck they often get tenure’

Mike Adams: These six Democrats voted against bill that would protect free speech in North Carolina

David A. French: ‘Unless Congress acts, we may lose not only free speech on campus, but free speech in America’

Glenn Reynolds: Hate speech is free speech, Gov. Dean