The Blog

Obama’s IRS Chief Who Dodged Impeachment Continues Under Trump

Commentary: Is New York poised to adopt a right to be forgotten?

Commentary: Australian court bans images of aborted babies in public

Commentary: Rollins College falls prey to fake-news hysteria with student’s fabricated story of oppression

Charles Murray wants people to keep Middlebury in mind, but Vermonters would rather forget

Harvard Expands Draconian Crackdown on Single-Sex Student Groups

UK seeks a law to end ‘safe spaces’

U.N. experts see ‘alarming’ U.S. trend against free speech, protest

First Amendment Rights Still in Peril Following Climate Change Probes

Rollins College Allegedly Suspends Conservative After He Challenged Islamic Student Who Threatened Gays

‘Moonlight’ Gay Themes Will Test Chinese Censors

Commentary: Pulling Your Hair Back with Bobby Pins a Certain Way Deemed ‘Cultural Appropriation’

Commentary: How Fake ‘Transparency’ Laws Fuel Mobs That Attack Private Citizens For Free Speech

Appeals court upholds gag order blocking undercover Planned Parenthood videos

Safe Spaces on College Campuses Are Creating Intolerant Students

Wellesley professors call for censorship during ‘Censorship Awareness Week’

Opinion: The arts still thrive in Russia, but they play a complex game of censorship

LA college sued by student for allegedly curbing his free speech rights

ECU students threaten to ‘wreak havoc’ over invited speaker Tomi Lahren

Undercover Journalists Who Criticized Planned Parenthood Face Dubious Eavesdropping Charges in California

Student sues Pierce College over tiny ‘free speech zone’

Supreme Court: Stores Charging Extra for Credit Cards? That’s Freedom of Speech

Campuses Grapple with Balancing Free Speech and Security after Protests

Australia Training 4,000 Teachers to Root Out Sexism in Preschoolers

OC Register Editorial: Censorship in Pakistan hits home here

College campus free-speech zones face new scrutiny, lawsuit

Student free speech bill dies in the House

Commentary: No-White-Girls-In-Hoops Student Crusaders Now Slamming School Newspaper for Covering Their Crusade

Student has grade docked for using ‘mankind’ in English paper

Commentary: UN Human Rights Chief: ‘Legal Obligation to Stop Hate Speech’