The Blog

‘No Safe Spaces’ returns to theaters, co-star Adam Carolla says ‘free speech is never out of season’

What one religious freedom expert expects to happen in 2020

Defending the First Amendment in the digital age

Latest anti-Semitic attacks just another reminder religious liberty is paramount

I’ve had professors who educate, and ones who indoctrinate. Here’s what I learned from both types.

VIDEO: Cabot Phillips slams growing trend of campus ‘mob mentality’ against conservatives

Religious liberty advances in 2019

Joseph D’Souza: Religious freedom in 2020 — three key challenges and how to fight back

Spotify joins Twitter in suspending political ads in 2020, in a move opposite of Facebook

Free speech experts slam university for policy requiring “respect for authority”

How censorship in Silicon Valley is killing free speech

San Diego universities criticized for ambiguous free speech policies

YAF says new faculty ‘free speech training’ shows its efforts are ‘starting to pay off’

Religious freedom agency reauthorized with Trump’s signature

Tom Basile: Persecuted Christians at home and abroad need help – here’s how US and YOU can help

Pope Francis and UN Secretary General record video urging religious freedom, climate protection

Red light, Green Light: Texas colleges get graded on free speech policies

Lawsuit Alleges USPS Rule Barring ‘Any Depiction’ of Religious Content on Stamps Violates First Amendment

J.K. Rowling Faces Deluge of Attacks From LGBT Activists Over Transgender Tweet

Facebook, Google and Twitter’s political ad policies are bad for democracy

Defining trans accurately now gets you banned from Twitter

University of Pennsylvania is misrepresenting its speech code rating from advocacy group

Holidays were under attack this year on college campuses

Supreme Court will hear church-state separation case brought by religious schools that fired teachers

Loeffler distances herself from her WNBA team’s ‘religious liberty’ opposition

California freelance journalists sue over new state law

Study rates Kentucky universities on free speech polices

Chico State Professor: College Republicans’ First Amendment Rights ‘Intensely Hurtful’ to Students

Instagram hides false content behind warnings, except for politicians

‘Fox & Friends’ host slams ‘Leftist tech mob’ over Twitter suspension