The Blog

Commentary: Washington Supreme Court Unanimously Treads on Important Freedoms

Commentary: Report Shows Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity Laws Threaten Religious Freedom

‘Dark money’ groups may be forced to disclose donors under New Mexico law

Court Says Jackson County Christian-Only Prayer Is Illegal

Brazil judge overturns ‘censorship’ of newspaper

Commentary: Free Speech Even for Corey Lewandowski

Florida Hearing on Goldwater Campus Free Speech Proposal

Federal Judge Hears Free Speech Argument after DIA Rally

UNM students express freedom of speech on giant beach ball

CSU employee shames students as ‘local racists’

UC students: free speech shouldn’t apply to ‘Trump surrogates’

Commentary: Religious Freedom Still Isn’t License to Discriminate

Opinion: Rioters should be financially responsible by law for damages caused

ACLJ: Why is the UN silent on ‘sickening’ ISIS genocide against Christians?

60 Minutes’ Bill Whitaker to be honored with First Amendment award

Commentary: Why we need a religious freedom move from Trump – and soon

Poll: Of Religious Groups, Evangelicals Are Most in Favor of Letting Pastors Preach Politics from Pulpit

Attorney General Sessions expected to defend religious freedom rights

Proposed campus free speech law progresses through Virginia General Assembly

Opinion: Free speech and soy milk

Lawyer Defends Alleged Online Threats To Cops As Free Speech Issue

Watch: Tucker Carlson clashes with violent Berkeley protester who wants to ‘shut down’ free speech

Author Flemming Rose on the worldwide suppression of speech

ACLU Explains Why They’re Supporting the Rights of Milo Yiannopoulos

Commentary: The ‘Must Have’ Qualities for Trump’s Religious Freedom Ambassador

Evangelicals: Religious Freedom and Refugees Top Priorities for This Year

Former county clerk employee alleges free speech violation

Iowa State students score one for free speech

Parents protest liberal bias of mandatory high school seminar

Georgia residents win free speech battle in protesting police killing